Thursday, September 23, 2010

Freedom of Religion

I think that a student should be allowed to pray in school. But what is wrong for a school to force upon students to pray. Freedom of Religion is really important because it evens out a playing field. Just because someone is islamic and the other person is christian doesn't mean one is better in this country. I really think prayer or meditation would be helpful in school, but it should be a choice. If you want to pray during a meditation that is your choice. Its a win/lose situation, it could be really helpful, but it also could be too controversial, so i think students should be allowed to pray but if one does it the rest should not be forced upon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freedom of Speach Survey reflection

In the first question (Q1) it asks which part of the first ammendment is protected the most. 61% say freedom of speach is protected the most. And 43% say that the school has no place in punishing a student for saying inapropriate things on there own computer. So right now i was basically put on the spot for both of those. I don't get to post my opinion because i say some volgur words, and if i do basically my grade is shot. How do i handle that. That is taking away my rights and thats truely bogus. Nothing will stop me i will voice my opinion and if i don't have swears nothing can stop me. If people want to try and mess around just look at Beussink V. woodland school dsitrict. Beussink made a blog and the school tried taking it away and that is what the school is trying to do and they don't know who they are messing with.


This girl kirsty is so sweet. Shes got red hair and a smile that can brighten up the room. I was so happy when this girl kirsty said i could write about her cuz now i can't get in trouble. So kirsty impacts my life because shes one of those girls  that doesn't think they are too cool to say hi to me in the hall. She always says hi to me. So kirsty i appreciate you and still be the kind readhead you are. Remember My boi stevens tat= Ginger

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

School pt 2

Dude screw school. I hate it so much. I don't get why a bunch of white kids need security. Like its just a little pot and alcohol why do they have to be so concerned. And the deans getting people in trouble on facebook, stay on your own facebook page your business is not in our business. Punish for things that happens on school grounds not on private grounds. I am sick and tired of seeing the deans and the security guards and some teachers thinking they are above us. They aint nothin you guys blow and its a shame they don't know boundries and think they are better than us. Equality might not be fair, but equality means everyone is on the same level. Screw the deans and security and people that want to restrict us from being kids

Monday, September 20, 2010


I don't get the school and I don't get there logics. How do you expect students to like school if they are getting homework. Thats on there own time out of school to do more work. When is enough enough. Or like this why should a school get nosy on whos drinking by going on facebook. Its truly not there place. Or why should a teacher be able to tell you to shut up in her class when maybe what you have to say could help someone more than what she says. Sometimes people don't realize experience and being relative to the student will make a student want to learn and do good for you. When a teacher just gives you homework and doesn't understand that we don't want to do it, i say screw you to them and not do my homework. If a teacher relates to me and says i understand but its not worth you doing it or says i think it will benifit you i will gladly listen but they think having the power is stronger than being neutral. Lately the deans and every person in the school is on those power shrooms cause they are power tripping over everybody and i think the school needs to look at themselves in the mirror and be a lot more understanding.

Sept 11

Today in class we watched this documentary on sept 11. Its wack how people would want to take lives. What really stayed with me was not just the attack but the reaction. My favorite was in union square people were arguing about what was going on and at the end everybody gave one another a hug. That really got to me as in the pledge of allegance says one nation under god. We are one nation, and during tough times we need to stick with one another. That is why New York got thru what happen

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Dee Pilly

speech codes

Something scaring must have happened to the founding fathers when they were righting the constitution. For me it feels like they were emotionally distraught before they wrote this because the constitution almost allows me to say whatever things i want. They should have censored the constitution so that these Jim Crow fraternities would get consequences. Its bogus that people can say racist shit and really mean things and are allowed too. I think speech codes are needed but its bull shit that the constitution protects stupid racist people.

Always a pleasure doing business
Ol Durdy Bashkins