Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freedom of Speach Survey reflection

In the first question (Q1) it asks which part of the first ammendment is protected the most. 61% say freedom of speach is protected the most. And 43% say that the school has no place in punishing a student for saying inapropriate things on there own computer. So right now i was basically put on the spot for both of those. I don't get to post my opinion because i say some volgur words, and if i do basically my grade is shot. How do i handle that. That is taking away my rights and thats truely bogus. Nothing will stop me i will voice my opinion and if i don't have swears nothing can stop me. If people want to try and mess around just look at Beussink V. woodland school dsitrict. Beussink made a blog and the school tried taking it away and that is what the school is trying to do and they don't know who they are messing with.

1 comment:

  1. Your supposed to talk about freedom of religion...

    Regardless, we have already discussed the reasons that students have limitations on speech. Since your blog is related to our calss studies, the language on it may be view by other students who find it offensive disrupting their learning environment. Yes you have the right to speak, but not to offend others... Honestly you're not a victim here. And who are they messing with? a high school student who can't properly spell SpeEch, the subjuect he is discussing...
