Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Students and Slaves

I never thought i would say this but I believe in school grounds I am like a slave in a field. Not in the physical aspect, and what slaves had to do but in the concept. In school they can search our lockers, why because its property of the school. So anything inside of the school is therefore able to be searched. So are we property of the school. Thats b.s. if we are because nobody owns me except my parents. My parents can control my major decisions but other than that they give me some space. The school wants to control everything. I don't belong to them like i bought my backpack and everything in there, even if there are stuff that shouldn't be in there. But my locker i understand but these things belong to me, so therefore there is no reason for them to search my stuff. MY STUFF! So we are owned. We are also kind of treated like slaves. If we don't do our homework, we lose a ton of points. Then we get a bad grade so we are pretty much taken hostage. Or like if we are late to class thats a detention. 30 min of my life taken away for a minute being late. That's ridiculous. Or lets say something more important is going on and i don't go to one of my classes i get 3% off and you tell my parents. Or lets say with teachers we have to call them Mr or Mrs, that means they pretty much above us and to be honest we are all apart of society and nothing seperates us other than they have a little more years over me. This is like slaves, if they were late on something they got whipped or had to work later. Or if they forgot to do something they would get beat and maybe killed. And if you had or made something that the master wanted and it was yours he can take it away just like the school can take away any of our stuff. Or if something was more important like your kid was hurting you couldn't nurture your baby your work was more important, and finally you always had to call your master something elegant to make them better than them and thats what the schools doing. There are so many similarities, and the school asks us why we hate school so much, if you were being treated almost like slaves, and the same concepts back then, would you want to be in that eviorment?

1 comment:

  1. Arthur,
    Your analogy seems to fall apart at the end when you state the consequences of being a slave. As far as I know, students are not whipped, beaten, or killed. Be careful of making a morally relative argument when it doesn't actually apply.
    Additionally, as you know from class, there are still some 4th Amendment privacy rights that you have. Random searches of all students are unconstitutional. Suspicionless searches are only done (so far) via drug test for athletes and students involved in extracurriculars. Otherwise the reason for the search must still be "reasonable" and the method of the search must also be "reasonable" based on the entirety of the circumstances involved. Your post would have much more resonance if you would use the facts and the law to support what you say.
    Mr. Kramer
