Thursday, March 24, 2011

Race in America

I think race in America definantly goes under the radar. I think it goes both ways though. People always assume that white people are biast towards black people, which I agree with, but I do think that black people can be biast towards white people. Visa Versa. But I think that race is huge. It determines a lot. Lately we been talking about how race can help you get into college, those are the type of things. I also think that Race has impacted our country in the way that people come together as 1 rather than numerous groups. I loved Martin Luther King because he stood for all races not just 1. Race is becoming a bigger deal and I think that laws have become stricter forbidding bad things to happen to certain races. I love other equalities and i believe our country is full of opportunity and there is no reason to fight, and i think that idea has become stronger, so the haters in the building are being destroyed and unity is becoming true.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

mock trial

1. The date rape trial I was a member of the Jury. I thought it was and wasn't date rape. I thought that there was doubt that he did do it, but at the same point the girl said no and he kept going. I voted that it was rape but it was a land slide. There was a lot of reasonable doubt, but I still think that when a gril says NO you stop. I was an attorney in the other case for sexual harassment. I did the opening statement and was 1 of the witnesses. From what I read i believed my case won by a long shot. It was about a man who clearly harrassed the plantiff who I was defending. It wasn't about proving the man was guilty it was proving the company was guilty. I think our team could've done better but we still I believe had a better case to win. I disagreed with the verdict in our case just because it was so blatent of sexual harassment. The head boss ,who warned the man who was sexually harassing the woman, made no difference. The company policy was corrupt and didn't help the victim.
2. I don't think date rape is that big of an issue at deerfield high school at the moment, but in general it has grown. I think date rape is in different terms though now. If we are talking about girls hooking up with dudes because both parties are drunk, i don't know if that should be considered date rape. But it happens I think guys hook up with drunk girls, and girls hook up wit drunk guys and people just laugh about it later. As for sexual harrassment, I think it's a big thing. People say a lot of things they shouldn't say to girls, even I do, but i think girls don't take it that personally. Also I feel sometimes 1 person isn't offended but somebody else is. I think both need to get payed attention more but if the victims don't come forward it won't do any good.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Whats goin on in the world?

Real talk right now, the State of Wisconsin is really screwed up. I read the article, "Teachers Wonder, Why the Scorn?" This is really screwed up and shows how societies priorities are so messed up. Sometimes I really dislike teachers, but the thing is at the end of the day they are training our youth. One 30 year old young teacher only makes $36,000 a year. Now I don't mean to compare societies morals, but if you think about it, a minimum sports contract is 5-10 times more than that. That's just wrong. Chris Christine the governor of New Jersey said that the teachers need to stop being so greedy. Excuse me govenor are you doped out right now. $36,000 thats like nothing. I believe morally the world is coming to a low. Wars are more important than poverty in America, Teachers make as much as a minimum wage football player/per game.
I also read about the idaho rancher. I think it is a tricky case. I think he was part of sketchy situations but they don't have any real evidence. Also this guy started a new life and became a good citizen. Spending time in jail won't benifit others. They need to use jail beds for people who are a danger to society. Mr. Ponzo if guilty should have life probation. And have to talk to a probation officer of what he is doing. Just 3 required phone calls a week if they pick up they talk if not leave a message. And 1 a month meet and go over whats been accomplished that month and make a  plan for the next month.