Friday, December 17, 2010


For the 2 groups I thought both groups had good thoughts. They both were passionate about education of both which was cool. I think that the winning team right now is pro life, because it is easy to give into there tacticts which are crazy. I lean towards choice because to be honest i really don't care about someone elses baby. I think parents should know about the kids having an abortion, and i  think that because if you are under the age of 18 parent needs to be notified. If the kid is under 17 the parents have to give concense. I think our business is our parents business too. On the other hand other people getting involved is not anybody elses business. Having the father know is a really tough call. Simply because without his siemen the baby would never have been created in the first place. So I think that sometimes its better to leave them out because who knows about the domestic violence that could follow. I like Illinois' law on abortion because banning it just makes more controversy i feel like. Also what people don't understand is that pro choice is also pro life. It just gives the option of an abortion. Most of the time people have the babies. Abortion is between someone else and whatever they believe. Government needs to stay out!!

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