Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Rose That Grew From Concrete 4

"And 2Morrow"

And 2Morrow is about society as a hole and how people try to fit in and kids not having role models at the house. There is a passage, "children bred with ruthlessness, because no one at home cares." This for me is like the issue of if a child is raised with no guidance the people around him will be his guidance. So for me this is like gangs. Most children who's parents were affiliated with gangs someday join them. So from this I get the issue of parents not beating kids but verbally and socially treating there kids horrible. Therefore they don't do the next right thing because they are used to that environment. Another idea was, "Today is filled with anger, fueled with hidden hate, scared of being outcast, afraid of common fate." I think this is the idea of fitting in. I know for me at least sometimes doing the wrong thing makes you feel good because you fit in. Another thing i see in that passage is being fearful of yourself. I get that a lot, because I know what someone else wants me to do, but what do I want to do? So that is being afraid of what is to come, and being the outcast, but what he brings out is sometimes we don't understand what we are doing, and the anger and hidden hate behind what we do which we don't realize comes out and could affect another human being.

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